In Eden stood the Tree of Life,
although allowed to eat its fruit
we chose to eat that which was banned.
So woman, man and snake were cursed
to suffer enmity and strife,
and pain and death for our own sin. (Genesis 3)
With grumbling voice we criticized
our Lord, our leaders that he chose.
Snakes turned against us, struck us down.
A snake of bronze was raised on high,
for us to gaze, repent of sins,
in healing turn to him again. (Numbers 21:4-9)
Just as the snake was lifted up,
so Jesus on that Tree of Life
brings healing and redemption sure.
For those who look to him with faith
a new dimension opens wide,
eternal life abundantly. (John 3:14-16)
The Tree of Life is like a bridge,
it spans the water which gives life,
a river flowing from God’s throne.
The Tree of Life still gives to all,
in every season there is fruit,
its leaves give healing to the world. (Revelation 22:1-3)
Rosemary and Peter Dixon